Which painting do YOU like better? Yes, this IS a test!

by Alden Cole on April 16, 2014 · 4 comments

BothWPHey friends, which painting is more compelling to YOU personally? Left or Right? Then or Now? 1973 or 2014? Subdued or Bold? An early masterpiece or a copy completed just yesterday?

This is not a test. This is just an opinion poll of a binary nature, recording your gut reaction. SUPPOSE: if YOU found these two paintings sitting on the street curb for free, but could only have one of them, which one would you take? maybe you’d leave them both on the curb? Whatever! I’m just curious about your honest reactions regarding this, my first attempt at mimicking, if not exactly duplicating, an older admired piece in a new medium. Comparing the two, you’ll see a number of differences — some subtle, some not so subtle – most especially the brilliant yellow of the boards in the foreground, which is one of those areas where I depart from the original and like the color change better than the first version painted 40 years ago. See my January 28, 2013 posting for more details about the original:

Inside, Looking Out #1

As a critical eye can readily see, I was not totally successful in replicating the other colors either, due partially to working with a different medium – acrylics versus oils. I spent three afternoon sessions this past weekend working on the copy, putting a lot more time into it than the two hours or less in which I dashed off the original. It’s pretty obvious that I would not have been a very successful forger.

By the way, your opinion in this matter of preferring one painting over the other will be ‘confidential and appreciated’ and your honesty will not be held against you (famous last words)…

{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

Bill Harrison April 16, 2014 at 3:27 pm

Hi Alden — At this moment in time I’d pick the one on the right — like the “sunnier” less “filtered” ? colors! Maybe another time the left; who knows? Looking forward to the continuation of your Air Force story. I’ll be happy to share my not getting into USAF OTS due to a technical screw-up on their part and “at last minute” opting for the Army Reserves in lieu of the draft. I also spent time in San Antonio (in 1968 at Fort Sam Huston, training with the Army Medical Service, aka AMEDS.) Interesting coincidence… Bill


nancy wysemen April 16, 2014 at 7:55 pm

Hi Unless some surface changes,the one on the right. Finding I need different info, so on “personality” I don’t want everything on my wall. Too tense,domineering. Wrong colours,wrong zeitgeist. Literally using term “old fashioned”. Like my own stuff much better now.


Asima April 17, 2014 at 10:53 am

Coming from the Caribbean, I prefer the one on the right (I also would like to see a beach somewhere in the distance!). Thanks, Alden! –ASM


judy fichtenbaum April 17, 2014 at 2:19 pm

Hi there,
I am also of ‘the one on the right” group, based entirely on the colors!


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