Snowbound, and Up a Tree…

by Alden Cole on January 10, 2015 · 0 comments

“The difference between greatness and mediocrity is often how an individual views a mistake.”

1949SnowDriftsWPPhotos by Lois Cole from the late 40s and early 50s of winter and its games. The first photo shows a drift of snow in front of the house that was about as high a drift to crawl over and wade through as I remember encountering ever.
Another year, another winter; Wallace and I check out the aftermath of the latest snow storm in the front yard, with what may be a small dog off to the right, enjoying a roll in the snow.

Up a Tree: three photographs of myself in the lower limbs of the ash tree in the front yard, the climb eased by the snow piled around the base of the tree. First, all by my lonesome; then with my first girlfriend Earlene; finally with my two best friends Richard Smith and Terry Critchley.

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