An Excellent Epiphany to one and all…

by Alden Cole on January 6, 2015 · 1 comment

“He he laughs, lasts!” –Mary Pettibone Poole
“Know Thyself” Ancient Greek Admonition

2010.SevenDeadlySinsWPThe Seven Deadly Sins • three paintings completed in 2010 on the themes of Ira (Anger) • Invidia (Envy)• Acedia (Sloth) • Luxuria (Luxury) • Superbia (Pride) • Avaritia (Avarice) • Gula (Gluttony). Full story on their creation eventually. Tonight, time to sleep.
Below, 1944, the earliest photos of myself at the age of a few weeks with parents Lois and Richard, and brothers Wallace and Clark. Summer Time and the living was easy…


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nancy wysemen January 9, 2015 at 12:28 am

I LOVE these. Just don’t draw M…h..m….d….[ha,ha] full of “vinegar”,bad wine,consternation with followers. That self portrait with white square also caught my interest. Do you see the same mischief in folks around you? People can live too far back from their faces.


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