oil on plywood panel, 8″ x 10″ in the collection of Judy Hargreaves-Fichtenbaum
October 2010. A favorite Vermont view that I’ve focused on in paint a number of times is of a mountainous presence – a large hill actually – on the other side of Black River in Springfield, where my friend Kate Suchmann lives. As I’ve painted this hill in varying light and times of year, I’ve come to regard it as “my own private” Mont Sainte-Victoire, that mountain in Provence which Paul Cezanne, the great French painter, choose to focus on in so many of his paintings. When Judy Fichtenbaum visited me in October this year, she spotted this particular painting and claimed it immediately as hers. Just the right size. Just the right colors. Just the right price.
Another painting created in October 2010 of the same view: My Own Private Mont Sainte-Victoire #4, oil on masonite, 10″ x 13″ • $130.
The third painting, my first of this particular view, was created in 2009: My Own Private Mont Sainte-Victoire #1, oil on board, 5.5″ x 15.5″ • $85
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