The Power of Choice is Yours

by Alden Cole on January 2, 2014 · 0 comments


from the Choice is Always Ours series, a triptych, aka Choices ‘R’ Us, aka Sleight of Hand, aka Choices #6: oil on MDF panels, framed in antique oak frame, 23″ x 36″ •  $828

“Our lives are but single, brief sparks in the infinite void of the Eternity, disappearing almost as quickly as they come into being. That is why we must enjoy every delicately-fragile moment, loving and being loved, making others happy and being happy ourselves, celebrating, and helping others celebrate the Now. It is the sum total of these Nows that writes the story of each one of us, so let’s write our stories well.”

Choice3WP2010. I decided to reprise one of my favorite subjects, an idea for which I had drawn numerous sketches, and had inspired three earlier paintings, all of which had sold to friends:

Choices #3, oil on canvas, 11″ x 14″ • in the collection of Lou Szyumski, painted in 2001

Choice2WPChoices #2, oil on canvas, 14″ x 18″ • in the collection of Lezley Steele, painted in 2000

Choice1WPChoices #1, oil on canvas, 12″ x 16″ • in the collection of Betsy Alexander and Burnell Yow!, painted in 1999.

Choices. Symbolized by the masks of Tragedy and Comedy. Our attitude is our life. “What we pay attention to will become more important in our lives”

“Horace Walpole once wrote: ‘The world is a comedy to those who think, a tragedy to those who feel.’ But the real world is tragic to those who think and feel; it is only comic to those who’ve been lucky.”   an astute observation by author John Irving.

“What’s important is not what happens to you; what’s important is how you perceive and react to those happenings.”

Bon Voyage!

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