Daffodil Time

by Alden Cole on December 19, 2013 · 0 comments


from the Inside, Looking Out series, aka Down the Intervale #7, oil on masonite panel framed with antique 9-pane window sash, 30″ x 24″    $720

May 2011. During the first two weeks of May I house-sat the old home place in Dayton, while my brother and his wife visited family in California. What a wonderful opportunity to enjoy spring’s transformative powers, which I hadn’t experienced in the country for many a year – May my favorite month. With great delight  I spent the better part of those two weeks up north photographing and painting the transformation taking place before my very eyes. The pale umber-violets of wintering tree trunks and branches give way gradually to buds bursting with the colors of autumn: red, orange, amber, bronze, chartreuse, the colors of new vegetative life. Years ago I realized the colors of spring are actually the same colors as autumn, but in miniature. Look carefully at the buds of spring; you will see those same colors that blaze forth in their final full-blown and consuming glory at the height of fall. Speaking of autumn, below is a painting done October 2009, shortly after my parents memorial, the first painting done in Dayton since the mid ’80s.  Down the Intervale #4, oil on panel, framed with antique 3-pane window sash, 16″ x 31″   $496


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