A Week of Watching the SunFlowers Grow

by Alden Cole on July 6, 2014 · 0 comments

Last Saturday I noticed that the bevy of sunflowers which had sprung up ‘volunteer’ style, after an early spring breaking up of the back-yard garden’s soil, had developed heads and were just beginning to pop open. The group of seven plants had been growing apace through May and June, with an Alpha leader that had shot up while I was away on vacation to a height of just under 7′ leading the pack. Below, some of the photos I’ve sent out in the last few days starting last Sunday as part of SunFlower Week here at 717 Federal St. Fascinating to watch and realize that although they turn to face the sun during their initial growth period, as the head gets too heavy, it faces only east, greeting the rising sun. Also of interest was noticing how the surface of the seed head in the center changes from day to day once the petals unfurl. A fringe that starts as a thin ring at the periphery next to the petals, expands to cover the entire surface of the head. This phenomenon is particularly easy to compare in the last two photos where an upstart Beta finally started unfurling on Friday July 4th in front of the Alpha which had a head-start of a few days, unfurling fully on Sunday June 29th. Cheers to Van Gogh and all Lovers of SunFlowers…


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