and the seasons go round and round…

by Alden Cole on February 19, 2015 · 0 comments

“To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven…” – Ecclesiastes 3:1

FourSeasonsWPPrincess…who? why Princess Summerfall Winterspring, Buffalo Bob and Howdy Doody’s sidekick, along with Clarabell the clown. Judy Tyler (1932-1957) played the role from 1950-53, another comic role model that early television held up for childish adulation and emulation, and one that I took to heart. To the best of my recollection television aka TV entered our household sometime in the fall of 1952, my eighth year, as I was starting third grade. The glamor of TV was mesmerizing, the most effective propaganda machine devised to date. From eight to eighteen I watched excessive amounts of TV, which provided a somewhat eerie entrée into a world of fantasy and distraction like no other previously encountered – A Brave New World with which I would become increasingly intimate as life lured me away from the familiarity and security of living in the country to a new life in the city.

5821.1WPAbove, four seasonal photos of the same view – a familiar scene captured numerous times in paint, as well as photographs, over the past few years. Just a couple days ago my sister-in-law Georgianna sent me the winter version of the view, looking toward the Saco River, fields covered with a blanket of snow.
ButtercupTimeWPInspired, I went searching successfully among my own photographs for the same view in other seasons, finally settling on three photos from August, October and May of various years. After a little cropping here and there, I arrived at the seasonal composition.
ButterCupTime2WPAt left, additional photos of the view, one in early May, plus two views of the fields spattered with buttercups in June – along with two shots of a spectacular rainbow that I was privileged to witness and record in August 2010, which this search brought to light again.
6670WP“and the seasons they go round and round, and the painted ponies go up and down, we’re captive on the carousel of time. We can’t return we can only look behind from where we came and go round and round and round in the circle game” – Joni MItchell’s The Circle Game

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