2104. I couldn’t wait a whole week to use this excellent medium, an online diary. Will it truly become daily – a journal? Time will tell. Anyway… Lights Up! Just imagine the beginning of Also Sprach Zarathustra, the music by Richard Strauss used at the beginning of 2001: A Space Odyssey and you’ll get the feeling… as well as the picture, a pencil drawing completed New Years Night 2014, developed on top of an incomplete sketch from the mid-70s, possibly even the early winter of 1974, 40 years ago. WOW! Whodathot a drawing could take so long? It’s been interesting to note that my drawing skills are finally catching up with my vision, so I’m reassessing a number of quick sketches from the long ago and rendering a few of them the attention I feel they deserve. Might have something to do with the A-G-I-N-G process?? To be continued… more frequently-than-weekly most likely.
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