“Beauty is power; a smile is its sword.” – John Ray (1627-1705), English naturalist
Happy Birthday to friend Melissa (Missy) Puterka-Braber, who is blessed with a beautiful smile, and is owner of the painting seen at left, which was completed just about a year ago. (And while I’m at it, Happy B-day to Tony Heyl, a friend of many years, first met in NYC in the mid-70s, now living in Boothbay Harbor, Maine, who also celebrates today.)
1942: At left, the snapshot that inspired the painting above, taken by Gertrude Sherman Cole of husband Winfield Lee Cole sitting on the front lawn at Cole Farm, calmly smoking his pipe while watching the last load of hay coming in at the end of a summer day. The boys boxing at left are cousins Gordon Cole and Bob Cole Jr.. Coming around the back of the hay-wagon is aunt Charlotte Cole, one of the early family photographers; my dad Richard Cole sits aloft the wagon, deep in hay, surveying all around him.
1935: another year, another haying season; sitting on the front fenders of the old farm-truck are grandparents Harris Cole and Edeth Belle Waterhouse Cole; my dad Richard Cole sits in the driver’s seat; aloft the haywagon are individuals unidentifiable except for the two at extreme right – Ruth Tenney Harris sitting in the hay while her brother-in-law Maurice Carvell stands erect, looking American Gothic.
1913: Two images of my grandfather Harris Cole with his youngest child, my dad Richard Cole, around age three, glancing elsewhere, then taking the reins in hand himself under his dad’s watchful eye, and flashing a a big smile for the camera, held by aunt Gertrude Sherman Cole.
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