1. Panoramic view of the farm in the valley where I grew up, as seen from my grandparents hill farm looking south, ca. 1930.
2. Another view of the farm looking south, as seen from the side of River Road during haying season, ca. 1930. As you can see, River Road is unpaved, and will remain that way until the late 40s. [citation needed]
3. The view looking north from the south ridge of the valley in Biddeford toward the Dayton line, valley farm in the center surrounded by elm trees obscuring the farm on the hill, ca. 1930.
4. This photo of the valley farm from ca. 1930 shows the best details of the ancient cape, ell, shed and barn where my great-grandfather Clark Remick Cole (1841-1915) spent his youth, prior to enlisting in the Civil War.
5. Another view of the cape, ell and shed. The corn is seemingly “as high as an elephant’s eye” in this straight-forward shot of the buildings.
6. In 1937 the old cape and ell were torn down in order to build a new house into which my parents and older brother Clark moved in 1938. My grandfather is dismantling the cape roof, while my cousin Bob Cole Jr. watches progress from the roof of the ell.
7. Another panoramic shot showing the new farmhouse where I actually grew up, in the valley, with neat rows of newly mown hay(?) in the foreground.
8. On the Growth of Trees: last but not least, two photographs of the farm which I took myself from virtually the same spot: the first ca. 1956, and the second sometime in the 60s, showing the amazing growth of the blue spruce and ash tree in the front yard
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