Good Friday

by Alden Cole on March 31, 2013 · 0 comments

GoodFridayApencil and acrylic on paper, 13″ x 10″

Recently while reviewing some old drawings done during the mid 70s I discovered a pencil drawing on watercolor paper that had never been developed beyond its first sketchy state. I liked the composition enough to revisit the drawing. I redefined in pencil the circle of 12 and added a 13th to fill in a gap which became obvious to me while drawing. A few days later I sat down and started coloring the piece. I used washes of acrylic – first cobalt blue  (after which I erased as much pencil as possible). I followed with a layer of yellow, then red. Next I let it sit for a couple weeks where I could stare at it intently, willing it to paint itself. It didn’t. On Friday while friend Ed Bronstein worked on a portrait he’s painting of me – the Artist is his Studio – I added purple, green, orange, raw & burnt sienna. Voila! There you have it. Below an overview of the process from rough sketch to finished art.


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