The Charge of the Goddess

by Alden Cole on January 31, 2014 · 0 comments

ChargeGoddessWPpencil, pen and ink drawing on paper, 9″ x 13″ •  framed: 14″ x 18″ •  see below for picture of custom-signed poster on light card stock, 14″ x 11″ •  $12 postpaid

Maintaining consistency with yesterdays thought – the Eternal Feminine Leads Us Onward – here’s another work in monotone, created in the late 80s a couple years after arriving in Philadelphia. The Charge of the Goddess is a traditional Wiccan invocation I first encountered on the back of an early 80s lunar calendar from Luna Press, a Boston based cooperative of neo-Pagans.

ChargeWPThe poetic power of the Charge stimulated me to file a copy of it in a folder of inspiring tests. At the suggestion of friend John Hansen, I self-published a b&w poster combining the poem with original artwork created especially for the purpose, and finished in late ’87. Retailing the poster through the Garland of Letters, my favorite bookstore in Philadelphia, plus distributing it through my former employer of twelve years – Samuel Weiser Inc. from 1974-1986 – I’ve sent nearly 2400 copies of these finely-sentimented posters out into the universe to inspire reverence and contemplation.

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